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Saturday, November 2, 2013

Event LOMBA Berhadiah Motor Honda Scoopy,Laptop dari DELL Indonesia

Pemenang Utama Satu Unit Sepeda Motor Honda Scoopy F1 Series (OFF THE ROAD)
Pemenang 2 dan 3 2 (dua) Unit Laptop DELL Inspirion seri 3421
Pemenang 4,5,6 dan 7 4 (empat) Unit ponsel DELL

Periode kompetisi akan di bagi menjadi 2 (dua) tahap :
Tahap 1, periode 31 Oktober – 10 November 2013
Tahap 2, periode 11 November – 24 November 2013
Pengumuman pemenang : 25 November – 29 November 2013

carana sangat mudah.

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- nama.
- tempat tanggal lahir
- no identitas
- alamat email dll dengan valid 

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Akan terdapat pemenang mingguan dan pemenang utama yang akan dipilih dan di verifikasi ulang oleh pihak penyelenggara selama periode berlangsungnya kompetisi

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Thursday, May 10, 2012


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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Using the Operator " > > "

In this operator will not delete the old file contents. Operator> > nature will only add to the contents of the file, instead of replacing the contents of the file as is done by the operator >. example: 

1. For example we will add the contents of the file you.txt which already contains the list of filenames and directories on drive E with the current date. how: 

Date > > you.txt 

2. Press enter 

3. Now you try to open the file you.txt located on your E drive.

easy to do :D
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Using the Operator " > "

Usually, when we enter a command in the Command Prompt ( CMD ), then the result will appear on the screen. For example, if we use the DIR command, then the screen will display the results of the use of the DIR command, namely the names of files and directories contained in the currently active directory. namaun using operator >, the result of the use of the command prompt ( including the DIR command ) will not be displayed on the screen, but put in a file that you specify your own file name: 


1. For example on Drive E ( E drive can be changed with the drive that you want, such as C, D or other), type the command 

Dir > you.txt 

2. press Enter 

3. Note, on screen no longer appears a list of the names of files and directories, which is located within your current drive is active, that is drive E.

4. Now, you try to open the file you.txt located on your E drive through Windows Explorer.

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